Dr Angelos Gregoriou BMedSci BMBS MRCP (Neurology) is a UK-trained Neurologist, former Consultant and Head of the Epilepsy Department at the Royal Derby Hospital, East Midlands. In 2013 he attended the Cleveland Clinic Epilepsy and Neurophysiology Observership course in Ohio, USA, where he developed a specialist interest in the management of Epilepsy and related conditions. Upon his appointment at the Royal Derby Hospital he was instrumental in the setting up of the First Seizure Clinic, which allowed fast and easy access of newly diagnosed patients to medical care by Specialists according to the NICE (National Institute of Clinical Excellence) Guidelines.
As Head of the Epilepsy Department he was responsible for handling complex cases and developed protocols for the management of epilepsy in pregnancy, for the smooth hand over of adolescent epileptic patients to adult medical care and for the holistic care of epileptic patients with challenging behaviour and learning disabilities. In co-operation with the Neurophysiology Department Dr Gregoriou set up the Video Electroencephalography (EEG) Telemetry Unit, which is crucial in the diagnosis of epileptic and non epileptic attacks, and in the clarification of sleep related attacks.
Dr Gregoriou’s further interests in Neurology include the management of stroke cases, headache disorders, movement disorders including Parkinson’s disease, neuro-inflammatory disorders including Multiple Sclerosis and degenerative neurological conditions, including neuromuscular and cognitive disorders like Motor Neuron Disease and Alzheimer’s disease. He has experience in administering botulinum toxin injections for the symptomatic treatment of chronic migraine and dystonic conditions, including blepharospasm, hemifacial spasm and neck dystonia.