Carry a copy of any medical information concerning hospitalization, eg: X-rays, diagnoses, test results.
Carry with you or make sure you know the medicines you take, in order to take into consideration for treatment. You should not take medicines without notifying your doctor.
Tell your doctor about medicines without prescription (generic homeopathic, herbal remedies, etc.) that you took the last three months or may continue to receive, or have stopped.
During your hospitalization, your doctor will prescribe the medication which will be provided by the nursing staff.
If you do planned surgery, the attending Physician will inform you when to make your preoperative evaluation and at the same time will inform the ARETAEIO Office (1st floor), which you should arrive on the scheduled day and time to complete all the necessary forms for admission.
Your doctor will let you know if it’s necessary not to consume food or drink for at least 6 hours before the estimated time of surgery.
Valuable items are best to be kept at home. Carry with you just the uttermost necessary. You can bring your personal items like toothbrush, toothpaste, sponge, comb hair, underwear, pajamas – nightgown, robe. Glasses, contact lenses, hearing aids or dentures be sure to keep them in their protective cases when not in use, in order not to get lost or damaged.
Smoking should be discontinued at least preoperatively as there is a risk of breathing infections.
Upon your arrival at ARETAEIO you must proceed to the Costumer Services Department in order to register.
Office staff will help you complete all the necessary forms and you will be informed the admissions process trying to do our best so that you will have an optimal stay at our hospital.
If you are taking medications like aspirin and anticoagulants you should stop them before surgery after consultation with your doctor.
Anti hypertension and other heart medicines may be taken with a little water. Ant diabetic pills should not be taken the day of surgery.
ARETAEIO Hospital is contracted with the following insurance companies
The treating physician, in the availability of comprehensive and personalized care, is working with a team of qualified and experienced experts such as nurses, assistant nurses, physical therapists, clinical dietitians, technicians and etc.
Contact your doctor or the nursing staff of the floor you are kept in for questions and / or information. Medical information for patients is given only by the physician.
All information recorded in the medical record of the patient and includes health history at the present and the state of his health is characterized Sensitive Personal Data and regarded and treated as strictly private and confidential information of every single employee of the hospital.
ARETAEIO Hospital applies a Disease Control program, following international rules to control medical infections. As a patient, there are specific actions recommended to do in order to minimize the risk of infection during hospitalization:
Loved ones play a decisive role in the therapeutic process and the speedy recovery and that is why we encourage family and friends to come visit.
The hours of visiting all the units are from 9:00 -12:00 and from 16:00 to 20:30 except ICU which is from 12:00 to 12:30 and 18:00 to 18:30
The main part of the treatment is a suitable and healthy diet which is essential for the rapid recovery of a patient after surgery or illness.
The primary objective of our hospital is to promote healthy eating and ensure that all patients receive appropriate and nutritionally balanced diet during their stay in ARETAEIO hospital.
Breakfast 07:15
Lunch 11:45
Afternoon 14:45
Dinner 18:00
For some sort of food consumption except the one provided by the Hospital, it is necessary first to consult the doctor. Our goal is to promote healthy diet and make sure that all our patients receive appropriate and nutritionally balanced diet during their stay at our hospital.
The Management of ARETAEIO Hospital seeks to provide a safe environment for patients, their families, staff and visitors. For this reason it has developed and implemented a comprehensive Risk Management Plan and Emergency Situations.
The staff of ARETAEIO is trained in emergencies and conducts regular exercises annually.
Accordance with the regulations of the hospital a deposit must be paid in advance based on your surgery, determined in € euro.
The full payment should be done with your exit from the hospital. The deposit amount will be offset against your final account.
The total amount of surgery will depend on several factors and may differ from the price roughly you have been told by the doctor.
Your account is paid separately for hospital expenses and separately for fees of doctors and other medical expenses.
We recommend that you ask a family member or a friend to pick you up from the hospital. If you go by taxi, our staff will gladly arrange your transportation. If your doctor indicates it, the transfer can be done with ARETAEIO Hospital ambulance (information can be obtained from the Information Office).
The direct payment of the remuneration of physicians at the end of hospitalization is mandatory.
Your treating doctor will decide for the day of discharge from ARETAEIO Hospital. That day, an employee from the Reception & Customer Department will walk you through your account and will arrange the whole process of your discharge.
To improve our services, we have established a process that provides filling in a questionnaire with patients and attendants observations and the promotion in the Administration of ARETAEIO Hospital. The questionnaires are located at The Patients Service and Casualty Department. It is very important for us to have your own opinion. The submission of your survey / proposal will not affect the quality of care you will receive during your stay or your next visit to the hospital.
All written comments of patients, attendants and visitors are managed with confidential and responsibility. Heads and Managers of the Departments are responsible for the direct handling of matters within their competence.
On the bedside table, there is a special card with useful phone numbers as well as the number of your device.
For access to internet and e-mail you can use the wireless Wi-Fi.
The cafeteria/restaurant is located in the basement (-1).It works every day except Saturdays and Sundays.